Triple eccentric metal sealed butterfly Valves



Triple eccentric metal sealed butterfly Valves


Frange type Metal sealed Triple Eccentric butterfly Valve with electric actuation


Frange type Metal sealed Triple Eccentric butterfly Valve with a worm gear


Frange type Metal sealed Triple Eccentric butterfly Valve with a worm gear


Frange type Metal sealed Triple Eccentric butterfly Valve with electric actuation


Wafer Type Metal sealed Triple Eccentric butterfly Valve with a worm gear


Triple Eccentric butterfly Valve with a worm gear designed for high temperature applications


Wafer type High performance Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valve


Lug type High performance Triple Eccentric Butterfly Valve


butt weld type metal sealed Triple Eccentric butterfly Valve


butt weld type metal sealed Triple Eccentric butterfly Valve


Size range: 2″ ~160″ (DN50~4000)

Temperature Range: -180°C ~700° depends on  pressure and  operating  medium

Pressure Ratings: 150LB ~ 600LB (PN10~100)

Leckrate: leakage rate

Ends Connection: flanged, interflanged


Metallurgy, steel industry, electricity industry, oil and chemical industry.

Thanks to the wide range of materials and excellent construction, they are ideal for demanding operating conditions  with  high process temperatures and can be broadly used  in heat supply and gas supply systems.


Fresh water, seawater, sewage systems, air, steam, food products, pharmaceuticals, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, oil products and various oils, acids, alkalis, salts, media with low corrosive properties, etc.

Summary of Functions:

Triple eccentric metal seal butterfly valve designs in triple offset construction. The laminated seal or metal to metal seal makes the valve can be used for high temperature and high pressure working condition with long service life and energy saving. The triple eccentric metal seal butterfly valve is designed as a device to shut-off or regulate the working medium flow and widely installed in industrial pipelines with corrosive medium in metallurgy, iron and steel industry, power plant, petroleum, chemical industry, heat supply, inflammable gas, municipal water supply and drainage and etc.

As the latest technology achievement, triple eccentric butterfly valves provide a variety of connections to meet different face to face dimensions, such as wafer type, lug type, flanged type, ring-joint type, butt-welded type and jacketed type. It is suitable for acid, alkali and other corrosive medium at both high and low temperature due to wide material selection. Especially in large-diameter butterfly valve, it is continuously replacing the shut-off valves such as gate valve and ball valve with its advantage of zero leakage; meanwhile it is also continuously replacing the regulating valves such as globe valve with its excellent performance in regulation and control.

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F.I.S. GmbH

84056 Deutschland, Rottenburg a.d.Laaber, Benzstraße 2


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